Alexis likes to announce her bodily functions. It's not always necessary since she doesn't exactly poop roses, but it's not a bad thing either. So earlier today when she declared, "Poop!" then proceeded to grab a diaper and the wipes, I thought nothing of it. She was just following the rules that I have established. I will wipe her dirty butt, but only if she fetches and returns all the necessities for me.
However, when I rounded the corner to change her, I found that I hadn't quite understood what she was saying. She filled me in, "Bear pooped." She sat there with her Bear pinned down, wiping his bottom with a baby wipe. I was thinking this was really rather impressive, probably further evidence that I should quit being a lazy, self-centered Mom that plans to wait as long as possible to potty train the poor kid. (I do not want to deal with potty breaks when driving somewhere, eating, standing in line, shopping, or doing anything else that I enjoy. Go ahead, call the Potty Police on me. I don't care!) She set the wipe down, picked up the diaper, and tried to finish the job with Bear. When she couldn't quite get the tabs to reach, I offered to help. Just as I was fastening the first tab, I glanced at her and was startled to realize that she was EATING THE (not really) POOPY WIPE.
OK, so I know it was imaginary poop and all, but I think if you are willing to eat imaginary poop, well then that is all the evidence I need to know that you are not ready for changing real diapers. No siblings for you, you poop eater!
And now I present video of Alexis once again changing Bear's diaper. Please note the lovely gagging sound she makes when opening the diaper and the clever way that she stuffs the (not really) dirty wipe back into the container. So clean and classy. Oh, and the debate around whether Bear should wear an Elmo diaper or a Cookie diaper? She's just trying to push them off onto Bear so she can have all the Zoe diapers for herself. That is how she rolls these days--only Zoe is good enough for her poop.