Caution: Photo Overload
Monday, December 10, 2007
burghbaby in Random

You asked for them, so here they are. Photos of the trees. Outdoor light photos will be coming either this weekend or early next week, depending on the Toddler's mood and the weather.

I don't actually count this as a "tree" per se since it's only about two feet tall, but this is Alexis' little starter tree. We are buying her an ornament or two or five every year for the rest of her life.

(Let's not talk about the fact that she's nearly two and I still haven't finished painting her room, mmkay?)

Here's one of her ornaments. I had it engraved at Things Remembered last year (after Christmas--I don't believe in paying full price for anything). It has her birth date (1-27-2006) and her weight because I am NEVER letting her forget that whole 9 pounds 12 ounces thing.

Now let's move on to my favorite tree--the Hodge Podge tree. It houses all of my favorite ornaments. Each and every one has some sort of story that goes with it. It sits atop our fireplace because I would most certainly lay an egg if anybody broke one of these ornaments.

Many of the ornaments are motion ornaments. My husband is required by law to buy one for me every year. I have one for each year we've been together. This is one of my favorites. It's the scene from Winnie the Pooh where Pooh gets stuck in Rabbit's hole. The whole gang moves back and forth as they try to unstick the chubby Pooh.

This is the one I got last year. It has a train that goes around the bottom and carolers that appear to sing for a moment, then go back inside.

And here's the Snow White one. She kisses each of the dwarfs as they walk around in a circle.

There are also ornaments for each of the special critters in our house (except Meg--I haven't found just the right one for her yet). Here's Powder:

When he was a kitten, he used to sleep in the lap of one of my giant stuffed bears and looked EXACTLY like that.

This one is Coal:

He's totally our angel. That's one cat with a serious guilt complex; we never catch him doing anything he shouldn't.

This is Prince:

He was the cat that slept in our Christmas tree, so it's fitting that his ornament shows him upside down and decked out in Christmas spirit.

This is Jasmine's ornament:

Lhasa Apso ornaments aren't exactly sitting on every street corner, so I had to settle for one that didn't match her colors.

Next up, my favorite tree. The Winnie the Pooh tree:

It doesn't photograph very well since most of the ornaments are resin (note to self: and because there are too freakin' many red lights on the thing--fix it next year!)

Next up, my favorite tree, the Boyds tree:

The Boyds tree is a perfect example of my cheap ways. I have never paid full price for a single one of these ornaments. Many have been gifts over the years, others I bought in January when they were half-priced. All are super-cute plush love.

And now for the big one, my favorite, the Magazine tree:

Picture perfect? Yes. Note the clear display of my OCD--even the wrapped gifts under the tree have to match the tree itself. It's no coincidence, folks. I keep an eye out every January for red/white/silver wrapping paper and ribbons because if the gifts don't match, my head might explode.

You might have noticed a trend of the cheap variety? It is my mantra with this tree. It has taken years to collect all of these ornaments and I am proud to say I have never paid full price for a single one (except the dollar store ones, but those probably don't count). Last year I added the glass candy canes. I bought seven boxes when they were 75% off at Target.

And now you all know where to find me after Christmas--the clearance aisles at Target. (Yes, I know you are all dying to know what happens when my OCD spreads to the great outdoors and manifests itself in the form of 15,000 outdoor lights. Photos have finally been posted.)

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