What to Do, What to Do
Thursday, June 21, 2007
burghbaby in Daycare, Dora, Prisoners, Yummmm Food

Not long after Alexis was moved to the toddler room at daycare, it occurred to me that it seemed a little crazy that we were paying the same amount for her to share her teachers with 19 other kids as we were when she only had to share with 4 other kids. It seems that the Parent Handbook specifically stated that rates were based on ages, now teacher ratio.

Now that seemed like a load of you-know-what to me, so I made like Alexis and threw a fit. And since Alexis is the daycare owner's favorite, it worked. We started paying the toddler rate a while back.

Now we are left to wonder what to do with all of that extra money. We could donate it to the Pirates (they obviously need some sort of help). We could buy a new house. We could buy a twin for Meg so that there was a lump of useless dog on both ends of our couch. We could hire someone to clean our house. We could go on a cruise around the world. The possibilities are endless.

But, the reality is it's only a lousy $5 per week. That's probably not going to make much of an impact on the Buccos. We would have to save for weeks to get even this house. The odds of another dog ever making it through our door during my lifetime are about a zillion to one. The only person that would take $5 per week to clean our house is the five year-old down the street. And $5 would probably get us as far as the Washington, PA. That's not exactly around the world. So I guess I'll just use the money to buy Alexis some more S'mores.

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (http://www.theburghbaby.com/).
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