I am Poor.
I am Poor.
Poor I am.
That Poor-I-Am!
That Poor-I-Am!
I do not like
that Poor-I-Am!
Would you pay that for a latte?
I will not pay it,
I will not pay it
Would you pay it with some cash?
I would not pay it with some cash.
I will not pay it with my little stash.
I will not pay it, Poor-I-am.
Would you pay it with some credit?
I would not pay it with some credit.
I will not pay it with my debit.
I will not pay it with some cash.
I will not pay it with my little stash.
I will not pay it, Poor-I-am.
Would you pay it with other means?
I would not pay it with other means.
I will not pay it in your dreams.
I will not pay it with some credit.
I will not pay it with my debit.
I will not pay it with some cash.
I will not pay it with my litte stash.
I will not pay it, Poor-I-am.
Would you pay it in a loo?
Would you pay it in a drive-thru?
I would not pay it in a loo.
I will not pay it in a drive-thru.
I will not pay it with some credit.
I will not pay it with my debit.
I will not pay it with other means.
I will not pay it in your dreams.
I will not pay it with some cash.
I will not pay it with my litte stash.
I will not pay it, Poor-I-am.
Would you? Could you?
In a rush?
Pay it! Pay it!
Here and now!
I would not,
could not,
in a rush.
It's not so bad.
You will see.
You can pay it
with a fifty!
I would not, could not with a fifty.
Not in a rush. Now let me be!
I would not pay it in a loo.
I will not pay it in a drive-thru.
I will not pay it with some credit.
I will not pay it with my debit.
I will not pay it with other means.
I will not pay it in your dreams.
I will not pay it with some cash.
I will not pay it with my litte stash.
I will not pay it, Poor-I-am.
A gift card! A gift card!
A gift card! A gift card!
Could you, would you,
with a gift card?
Not with a gift card! Not in a rush!
Not with a fifty! Let me be!
I would not pay it in a loo.
I will not pay it in a drive-thru.
I will not pay it with some credit.
I will not pay it with my debit.
I will not pay it with other means.
I will not pay it in your dreams.
I will not pay it, Poor-I-am.
In the cold!
Here in the cold!
Would you, could you, in the cold?
I would not, could not
in the cold.
Not with a gift card. Not in a rush.
Not with a fifty! I said let me be!
I would not pay it in a loo.
I will not pay it in a drive-thru.
I will not pay it with some credit.
I will not pay it with my debit.
I will not pay it with other means.
I will not pay it in your dreams.
I will not pay it, Poor-I-am.
I will not pay that for a latte!