There are SO many life-altering moments in parenting. Most of them are the stereotypical stuff of legends--first steps, first words, achieving greatness through potty training, going to that first day of school, getting a driver's license, etc. All of those things certainly do change your lives, but sometimes it's the little moments that really make a difference.
I watched one of those life-altering moments tonight. Sure, it's not quite on the same level as a first step, but I can guarantee the next few months have been changed in monumental ways. The deep belly laughs, the gasps, and the declarations of joy all tell a story. It is the story of a new found obsession.
I should have seen it coming.
First, there was the costume.
Then the little plastic figurines.
And now the movie.
Mr. Husband somehow managed to find a copy of Snow White on DVD. Alexis. loves. that. movie. She hid her eyes behind her fingers while the spooky eyes scared Snow White. She let out a deep belly-laugh when the spider slid down to the chipmunk. She cried desperately when we told her she had to turn it off and go to bed. Our lives will never be the same again. I predict hours and hours of Toddler obsession is about to take over.
I can only hope this means Dora will soon officially be the Washed Up Whore she deserves to be. Cause if it does? LONG LIVE SNOW WHITE AND HER SEVEN TINY MEN!
Oh, and what does it mean that Alexis INSISTS that Dopey's name is "Alexis?" That can't be good.
There are still a few hours left to win some very cool prizes, and have your clicks turn into more money for the Flight 93 Memorial Fund. Winners will be announced on October 2nd.