A Painful Sacrifice
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
burghbaby in Premonitions and Paybacks

Dear Alexis,

By the time you are old enough to read all this, you will most certainly already know this, but I hate Mornings. Like, HATE them. If I had my way, the day wouldn't start until double digits. Even then, I would much rather have a coffee enema while having my nose hairs plucked out one-by-one that have to face the day before lunch. Mornings and me? Not on friendly terms. At all.

Sadly, I am forced to co-exist with my enemy Mornings. Being an adult comes with sometimes doing things you don't like, so I wake up at 6:30 every day and tolerate Mornings. Recently, however, I have taken things a step further. I've been getting up an EXTRA 15 minutes early. For you. Just for you.

See, it recently started snowing again, and you, YOU are in love. Nothing makes you quite as happy as sticking your tongue out like a landing strip for snow flakes as you weave an intricate recreation of Swan Lake in the yard. It pleases you immensely, and I would happily let you play outside all evening long, but my other enemy Daylight Savings Time means it is dark by the time we get home. So, if you want to play in the snow and actually SEE the flakes, it's got to be in the AM. Before work. Early. I have to get up earlier so you can play in the snow.

I only mention this because there will be a day when you are trying to decide between the nursing home that promises to wipe my butt hourly and one who promises to do it every four hours. Pick the one-hour service, please. It will make me happy. Not as happy as snow makes you, but still.

The Woman Who Loves Snow Just as Much as You Do

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (http://www.theburghbaby.com/).
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