Tinkerbell Has Stopped Talking Dirty to Me
Monday, May 5, 2008
burghbaby in Premonitions and Paybacks

The Toddler has this toy camera that someone who hates me very, very much bought her for Christmas. The hunk of annoying is Tinkerbell themed and says lovely things like, "Fairy Power!" and "Say Tinkerbell!" when its buttons are pushed just right. I guess it's supposed to be Tinkerbell's voice, but really it sounds like Minnie Mouse after years of steroid abuse. It's a bit phone sex voice-ish is what I'm saying. Anyway, as with all toys that have the ability to make my ears bleed immediately, the Toddler LURVES pushing those buttons. Over and over and over until my head explodes.

A few days ago, it dawned on me that the reason she LURVES that stupid camera is that she LURVES to mimic me. Hello! I am that crazy woman who has a camera permanently attached to her forehead. So, I felt all sorts of flattered for the first ten minutes that she snapped my picture while Tinkerbell invited me to do things that I can't repeat on this here in-law friendly blog. Once I was done feeling all warm and gushy and started to smell all the blood that was pouring out of my ears, I devised a genius plan. I swapped the Tinkerbell camera for a REAL! LIVE! CAMERA! (It has to be said in all caps and with exclamation points because that is how the Toddler would write it if she knew anything about punctuation.)

The kid? Ain't half bad at this camera stuff. Here is some of her work, totally unedited (mostly because I need to get to bed and don't have time to edit any photos right now).

Here is a lovely photo of her new BFF, Baby Shell. I guess she was getting a diaper change. On her face.

I suspect the kid had a bit of help with this photo, but I can't prove it. Let's not talk about the fact that I was obviously sitting right there and probably should have been paying more attention to what the kid was doing with my old camera.

With this photo, Alexis officially surpasses her father and his ability to take pictures of me. It's as if I exist in her mind or something. Amazing.

We have really nice crown moulding that me, myself, and I put up a few years ago. I'm glad I have photographic evidence of this feat I plan to never again replicate.

Hey, look! It's Meg! Or, at least it's her neck. Part of it anyway.

She captured a very rare smile on the face of the grumpy one. I suppose I could have flipped the photo the right way, but I find the sideways thing to be part of the charm. (And I'm lazy.)

This is a much more accurate representation of what Mr. Husband usually looks like.

Because my kid is brainwashed a genius, she took a picture of the "Penins skating." I totally need to get her on video saying that for future blackmail use.

Finally, a little photo of the dreaded Tinkerbell camera and one of Alexis' 4,000 dolls. This doll has not yet been named, but that's OK because it's wearing clothes. Somehow, the Toddler even managed to capture part of herself in the photo. Specifically, she was wearing that red ladybug shirt. I'm not sure how she managed the almost self-portrait, but well done, kiddo.

Looking at the world from a toddler point of view is WAY more fun than listening to Tinkerbell talk dirty.

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (http://www.theburghbaby.com/).
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