Every Time I Start to Think I Know What's Going On
Friday, June 27, 2008
burghbaby in Premonitions and Paybacks

The CD player in my car has been broken from the start. It seems that the only CDs that it will play are Signing Time CDs, and interestingly enough, it nearly always plays just one song, Move and Groove, over and over and over and over until my head explodes and my brain matter flies across the car, smashes into the radio console, and somehow manages to hit the off button. The Toddler, however, is very happy about this little "glitch." She sings along, signs along, dances along, and generally is one happy camper when she gets to hear her Signing Time buddy Rachel tell her to jump, dance, sway, etc.

I do not complain because at least I'm not listening to the purple dinosaur who does not exist in PA. (Shh . . . don't tell Alexis any different.)

So, imagine my confusion earlier today when we were driving to the mall, jamming to Move and Groove, and the Toddler very clearly said, "I wanna listen music."

It's a trick, I thought.

She repeated her request.

"Do you want to listen to Justin?" I asked. (We went through a SexyBack phase and for months that is all we listened to. I put the kabash on it when I heard Alexis correctly use the words "Sexy" and "back" in a sentence. Nobody under the age of 18 needs to be bringing the sexy anywhere.)

"No, I wan music."

It's a trick, I thought. "You want to listen to music?" I said.


"OK, let's see what is in the CD player," I said. Mr. Husband cautiously pushed the button that called up a different CD in the CD changer. Can you believe that button actually works? I HAD NO IDEA!

I flinched.

I prepared myself for the fit.

Coldplay started wafting from the speakers.

I moved to put my hand in place so that I could change the CD player back to Signing Time the instant the waling and whining commenced.

"Thank you!" Alexis said.

It's moments like that when I realize I really have no freakin' idea what I'm doing with this kid.

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (http://www.theburghbaby.com/).
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