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Why Do They Have to Grow Up?

The past few weeks have been chock-full of reminders that the Toddler is indeed growing up, despite my fervent attempts to keep her little forever. I've tried depriving her of food. I've tried cramming her into clothes that are far too small. I've even tried shoving down on her head in an effort to make her shrink. It's a no go--she is growing up.

First there was the information from daycare about the Gym Bus. Apparently my little one is big enough to participate in the insanity that is many kids crammed onto a little bus jumping and bouncing off the walls. While I hope the adults who run it wear helmets, full body armor, and ear plugs to protect themselves from the kids, I think they might want to invest in some extra protection from me. I want to kick somebody in the boy bits for implying that the kid is old enough for organized crime in the form of gymnastics classes.

Another reminder came last weekend on the day that we tried a few pair of Dora underwear on for size. While we had to suspend potty-training activities due to a bout of (still going on DAMMITTOACHEEDOUBLEHOCKEYSTICKS) diarrhea, seeing her little tushy waddle around in so-called big girl undies put a little lump in my throat.

Every day there are verbal reminders that she's growing up as she is moving closer and closer to becoming a master of the English language and is gradually losing her grasp of Toddlerese. I very nearly shed a tear when I heard her pronounce "yellow" with a "y" at the front instead of using "l" as is her tradition. Thank ye gods of Mommy Sanity that it was just a one time occurrence, because I am not ready to give up the lellow.

And then there was this:

And I think I might cry. CRY. Bawl like a baby. Have a nervous breakdown. Cry a river, build a bridge, and refuse to get over it. Why?


Go back to the first photo and take a close look at Baby Shell (the doll). Notice her pants? Now look at the itty bitty Alexis photo again. SAME PANTS.

Good grief. There's not enough fabric in those pants to cover one of the Toddler's legs.

Excuse me while I go curl up in the corner and cry uncontrollably for the next few days.

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Reader Comments (57)

This post touched my heart. I think the same thing almost every other day (when they're not bickering ...)
She's a beauty, your BB.
I find it helps to take a drink into the corner with you...

July 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKaren MEG

I just about cried for you right now. She looks like such a little mamma in that pic with Baby Shell!
Too stinken cute!
I hate that they have to grow so fast :(

July 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMary

Awwwww. That's so sad!!! I mean, good for her becoming a big girl and all, but so sad for the mommy! No more lellow car? that will be tragic!!!

I'm always amazed now when I see newborns and itty bitty babies! I forgot that they come that small! As small or smaller than the dolls. It's amazing.

July 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercaramama

There, there... you know, it's not only them who is getting older, it's us, too. Ok, that was supposed to make you feel better. Not very good. How about to distract yourself you give us some potty training tips? I'd love to get some of those Dora underpants for Stella, too ;-)

July 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterElisa

Aww, it won't be long and she will be dressing you!

July 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPoltzie

Aww, it won't be long and she will be dressing you!

July 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPoltzie

I hear ya. One day I think "oh it will be nice when he's older then I think oh I take it back, stay small."

July 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterImpostorMom

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