I have a reputation around this house for always being right.
Because I am.
But it's not like I actually ENJOY being right all the time. I really don't. For example, when I tell Mr. Husband that putting a bowl of water out in the bedroom for the dogs will result in obnoxiously loud Bulldog guzzling that will keep me awake longer than necessary, I want to be wrong. And then along comes the obnoxiously loud Bulldog guzzling and I have to remind Mr. Husband that I was correct by nagging him for the ten minutes it takes for the Bully to quit guzzling so loudly that people in Kansas can hear it. If he would just remember that I'm always right, we could avoid the whole stupid ordeal every night.
When it comes to matters of Toddler safety, I would REALLY prefer to be wrong. I know, I know, Mom is always right. But c'mon, just once, JUST ONCE, I would like to be able to say, "Alexis, please hold the rail and walk down the stairs carefully," without the Toddler immediately following my statement by falling down the stairs. Seriously. It has happened EXACTLY that way more times than I can count. Just the other day, she was walking down without holding the rail and I was behind her. I fussed at her, she made it one more stair, then fell.
I want to be wrong about these things.
Two good things came out of the latest stair falling stint. For one, she was completely uninjured. Scared, but there wasn't a mark on her anywhere. So, I got to be right without there being a negative consequence. The other good thing was that she is currently compensating for her clutzy ways by sliding down the stairs on her butt, which makes me far less nervous, and is pausing at the top to yell, "I BE CAREFUL ON THE STAIRS!"
Thanks, kid. I'll be sure to be waiting at the bottom so I can catch you when you fall.