Move Over Warhol, Here Comes the Toddler
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
burghbaby in Premonitions and Paybacks

For as long as the kid has been able to hold a crayon, Alexis has loved all things artsy. She will color with crayons for hours, nearly passes out from the happy, happy! joy, joy! when I let her paint, and has realized that chalk is a blast when you take it out of your mouth and use it to deface the neighbor's driveway. Her craft table is easily the best investment we ever made. Because she sits at it every. single. day, I pretty much don't even mind that it's right smack in the middle of our living room. I'd be willing to strap that thing to my head if I had to because it gives me the opportunity to occasionally vacuum and maybe reheat leftovers from last month cook.

Seriously. Best purchase ever. (And, yes, we really did get it from One Step Ahead, despite my strong opinion that they profit unnecessarily from New Parent Stupid. Mir posted about the table when it was less than 30% of what we had seen it for at the mall and on Amazon. It was a no-brainer.)

Recently we have moved into a new phase in the artsy fartsy realm--the Toddler is drawing items from her life. She has drawn mommy, daddy, Meg, Jasmine, kitties, houses, rainbows, and even baby sisters (*LA LA LA I am oblivious to your blatant hints, Alexis LA LA LA*). She declares what she is going to draw, draws it, then repeatedly makes you look at whatever it is that she drew. The whole thing kind of makes me a little melty.

Yesterday she painted these two images:

They are apparently of the exact same thing. Yeah, so I'm not really seeing it. However, the Toddler is animate about what is depicted and made it a point to show Mr. Husband that she had drawn *blank blank blank blank*. There's nothing in it for you other than the joy of knowing that you think like a 2 1/2 year old, but wanna guess what it is?

Your hints:

* Some people eat it
* Some people make it while others (i.e. lazy people) go the frozen route
* One of my favoritest lurkers has a dog named after one of the words. She is married to someone who is entirely too nice at all the wrong times.
* You can't have one without the other
* blank blank blank blank

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