Christmas Crazy for Kids
Sunday, November 1, 2009
burghbaby in Random

If you've been reading for any length of time, you know that I have a . . . uh . . . "thing" for Christmas. As in, I like it. A lot. I especially like the decorating and stringing lights and giving presents and decorating and did I mention that I really like the decorating? Well, I do. A lot.

This year I wanted to spread a little Christmas cheer to some kids in need. Things didn't exactly go as I had hoped, but enough people said, "We can dooooo this," that I figured I better not let it drop.


Christmas Crazy for Kids.

The mission: To raise $1000 and hook up a whole lot of kids with some really fantastic toys for Christmas. The deadline: November 15th. After that, I'll be taking every penny that winds up in the PayPal account, doing a little shopping, and delivering as many toys as possible to Toys for Tots (via Stuff-a-Bus) and the kids at a local domestic violence shelter (specifically HOPE Center).

There are two ways you can help.

Donate: There's a handy-dandy Give Christmas Crazy button over in the far right column. Click that and it'll take you to a PayPal page where you can make a monetary donation.

Advertise: Revenue from all advertising sold on this site between now and November 15th will be added to the Christmas Crazy for Kids monies. Email me at burghbaby (at) to reserve your space.

Image Links--$50 per month: Your image linked to a site of your choosing over in the far right column. It will be the same size as the Give Christmas Crazy image (150 x 150). Images will be placed in the order in which they are received.

Text Links--$20 per month: Your text linked to the site of your choosing over in the far right column. Text links will be placed at the bottom of the column.

Let's spread some Christmas Crazy!


Article originally appeared on burgh baby (
See website for complete article licensing information.