I kinda sorta almost forgot to post the link to my presentation from PodCamp Pittsburgh. Oops.
So . . . here you go. Thirty or so minutes of me talking as if I have a clue as to what this whole blogging thing is all about. Heh.
Couple of things:
* The super-stalkerific website stats software that I couldn't think of by name is Woopra. It's like Statcounter, Sitemeter, and Google Analytics rolled into one and then dipped in pixie dust, magic, and liquid awesome.
* Speaking of stats, I say how many hits I get per month during the presentation. Only, I don't actually look at my stats very often, so I was wrong. Add 5K to what I said. (And there you go, ye who landed at Jayesel's site after googling, "How many hits does burghbaby get." You could have asked me and I would have totally told you. It's not a secret. ;-) )
* Yes, the room really was that crowded. MAJOR love to everybody who endured the sardine-like conditions. Y'all are amazing.
* I don't actually talk that fast in person--I talk faster than that. I have to work major hard to make myself slow down whenever I speak in front of a group, unless Rory and Lorelei Gilmore are in the room.
* If you say I have an accent, I might track you down and stab you. I DO NOT SPEAK LIKE A CHARACTER FROM FARGO. I hope.