Zooma Zooma Zoom and a Crash Crash
Thursday, November 5, 2009
burghbaby in Premonitions and Paybacks

Long before I fell madly in love with Mr. Canon, I used a sort of moderate/sort of low-end point and shoot camera. It was an OK camera, except for the fact that it liked to take a long walk, read War and Peace, smoke a cigarette, and run a marathon before actually taking a picture. We're talking about an epic delay. For a while I blamed that delay for causing my photos to always be blurry. Just about every single photo of Alexis would have her arms all blurred out, her legs blurred out, or would have a cloud where her head should have been.

I blamed the camera, but really the problem was that the kid is built like an octopus. A very fast octopus.

By the time she was a year old, I had figured out what was up. The kid could simultaneously pull my hair, steal my glasses, throw something at the dog, and play peek-a-boo while darting for the stairs. All those extra limbs she came equipped with moved so fast they just couldn't be seen. ZOOM!

So, when Alexis came home from school yesterday with this self-portrait, I wasn't at all surprised.

I knew she had too many arms and legs. I KNEW IT.

At least she has finally confessed.

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (http://www.theburghbaby.com/).
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