Can You Keep a Secret?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
burghbaby in Premonitions and Paybacks

Psst . . .

Don't repeat what I'm about to write to anyone. NO ONE. I will hunt you down and stab you in the face with a spork if you do. Got it?

Remember that thing where Alexis had turned into a diabolical monster? You know, the thing where she was acting Three by impersonating a grumpy Linda Blair? She was arguing with everything we said, throwing fits like they were parties, and generally making it very difficult to even be in a room with her.

She's done now.

No, really. I haven't seen a full-blown fit in two weeks. There have been minor disagreements, but we've worked through them without resorting to terrorist tactics. There's still a bit of mouthiness, and I'm still considering writing to the dictionary police and begging them to remove the word "no" from the English language, but it's SO much better around here.

I might even like the kid again.

Funny thing is, one morning she walked down the hall, climbed into bed with me, and whispered, "Momma, I'm done being mad now."

She knew she was being a jerk. And, decided to stop.


Just please don't tell anyone. I don't want word to get back to Alexis that I have noticed that's she's back to her usual spectacular self. She is her mother's daughter, and will most certainly switch back just to spite me.

Shhhhhh . . .

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (
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