Alexis is not much of a desert kind of kid. It's just not her thing, which is fine by me because I totally steal her share of dessert every chance I get. When she randomly requested a strawberry-filled pastry thing at the Farmer's Market on Friday, I practically tripped in a puddle of my own slobber. I expected a one bite and pass moment, just like I get a few times per week.
Alexis decided the first bite should be a big one.
A REAL big one. After that REAL big bite, she thought for a second.
And promptly FAILED ME.
Damn kid liked the thing. A lot. Obviously. Just moments after that photo of a ridiculously happy kid was taken, I tried to steal a bite of the thing. There are no photos of Alexis' reaction to my attempt at stealing a bite because you kinda have to have a head to look through the viewfinder of the camera. Mine got bitten off.
She ate every last speck of the damn thing.
I'm still bitter I didn't have enough cash to buy two.