When X-Boxes Walk Into Rooms
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
burghbaby in Random

Alexis was busy playing with her toy kitchen when the swingset walked into our yard. She was SO busy, in fact, that it was a good hour before I finally went and got her and made her look out the back door.

"What do you see?" I asked.

She gasped. "There's a swing in my yard!" she squealed.

"Yes, there is." I told her. "Do you want to go play with it?" I asked.

She very nearly tripped on her jaw as she quickly turned to run down the stairs and out the back door.

The look on her face as she realized she had gotten something, something GOOD, was absolutely amazing.

Can you imagine the look on a kid's face if he or she was in the hospital and in walked a whole bunch of Xbox 360s? Wouldn't you love to make that happen?

You can.

Go register with this site and vote for your favorite hospital to win a free gameroom from Microsoft and the Children's Miracle Network. (Yes, you have to cough up your email address, but there is no need to be a pansy. Just make sure you remove the little "email me" check mark and they won't ever bother you with spam. They're being smart and making sure it's hard to cheat.) Voting automatically enters you to win your own Xbox 360. So, go register. Go vote.

If you don't have a favorite hospital, you can help deliver some magic to Pittsburgh by voting for Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh.

Do it every day between now and October 16th and maybe you'll win an Xbox. You'll definitely do your part to make sure some Xbox 360s walk into a great hospital.

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (http://www.theburghbaby.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.