The name "Vanessa Hudgens" and the words "singing career" should not be used in the same sentence.
There should not be any such thing as a pink NFL anything . . . except maybe a Cowboys jersey. For some reason that makes sense. But, there most definitely should not be a pink Terrible Towel. (Thanks, Gina)
Dancing with the Stars should not be on at 9:00. There are almost no family-friendly television shows anymore, and playing that one after the kid goes to bed gets a big fat FAIL from me.
There should not be a need to turn on the furnace in September. WTH, Mother Nature? 53 degrees?
Dolls should not be capable of sucking your soul out of your body, even with their eyes closed.
(If you're brave, it gets worse. That thing has an evil twin.)
Since I already went down the path to gross and frightening, this should not be. Rhonda is hysterical, but the whole concept is just . . . ewwwwww!
There should not be evil, disgusting bugs with more legs than Jon and Kate have kids in my shower. I'll spare the world a photo of which I speak, only because then I would have to look at it. Again.
The world should not be filled with GPS systems that scold you for refusing to follow their directions, even when their directions tell you that you should head right on down that railroad track and into a river. Who needs a road when you can hop aboard the oncoming train?
My inbox should not be filled with hundreds of emails promising that the sender can help me get the bigger, better penis that I've always desired.
There should not be people who think it's a good idea to clip their toenails at work.
Children who keep talking about how fun it would be to be a tiger should not be left unattended with markers. Guess how I figured that one out . . .