If the success of a weekend can be measured by the number of times that you scream as you go hurtling down a hillside with snow flying in your face, WE WIN. We spent essentially the entire weekend taking turns crawling into a cheap plastic sled and throwing ourselves down a hill.
A big hill.
It started out all wrong. On Saturday we stopped at the big hill with the idea that we would just give it a shot. Once. We just wanted to see if the short person in our lives would enjoy the thrill of flying much faster than she can on our little "hill" in our back yard.
Uh, if screaming and crying and yelling, "The kids threw snow in my face!" is disliking real sledding, then Alexis hated it. HATED IT. I spent half the evening fussing at her about lying (the kids did not throw snow in her face--the sled did) and the other half studying what she was saying when words weren't actually coming out of her mouth.
I had a hunch that she actually maybe liked it.
So, Sunday we loaded up and headed to the hill again. When Alexis was quick to start pulling her sled up the hill, I became more confident that I had read her right.
And then she came back down the hill with Mr. Husband.
That's not her I'm Having the Best Time Ever Face.
But that is. It seems she just needed a second to think about it.
The trick for the little nutjob is that she has to face backwards. She doesn't like when snow flies in her face, but she sure does think it's hilarious when her weight ends up distributed unevenly and she makes you go spinning like a top.
I don't think the pictures really show just how big and just how steep that hill is, but that's us flying backwards down that hill at crazy high speeds, just before we nearly crashed into about a dozen people. Apparently the eyes in the back of my head are only good for detecting Alexis shenanigans. Fortunately, the kids we nearly crashed into have enough of a survival instinct that they moved out of the way.
Up and down we went, over and over and over. The only reason we managed to drag the kid away from her new favorite hobby was that she ended up needing to go to the bathroom.
Later Sunday night, I turned on the news to see if there's a chance that the snow will still be there next weekend. We NEED to do a ton more sledding. Of course, I turned the TV on just in time to see a story about the dozen or so kids who wound up in the emergency room after sledding accidents. I'm not sure what the universe is trying to tell me with that crazy coincidence, but I think I'll ignore it.