24 Hours. I Promise.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

If I have to pick an illness to have sweep through our house, I think I'd pick the one that's been knocking us down like dominos. First Mila fell victim, then me four days later, and on the fifth day it was Alexis' turn. While it wasn't a particularly fun sort of illness, it was a 24-hour one. As in, it was almost exactly 24 hours before the first strike until it magically lifted. 

When I say "magically lifted," I mean that it was like ::click:: and gone. One second you're miserable; the next you're sunshine and rainbows. It was super weird, but certainly better than those illnesses that drag on for weeks and weeks. Mila had a cough over the winter that I swear lasted four weeks and it was beyond frustrating for all of us. She wasn't sick enough to be sick, but she wasn't well either. Just cough and cough and cough and cough all of the hours of the day.

ANYWAY. It wasn't fun, but there are worse things than what we've had going around. The illness first swept through daycare, then Mila brought it home, and then it found all of the girls in the house. (That's not much of a coincidence since the husband was out of town a bunch of days in there.)

Mila basically slept through her turn. There was very little complaining. 

I existed on the couch for my day.

And then there was Alexis.

Alexis is a special butterfly. She's the sort of special butterfly who is rarely sick and therefore is terrible at it. She makes sure that everyone around her is every bit as miserable as she is. All of the complaining comes out of her face. ALL OF IT.

So much whining.

So much complaining.

I kept telling her that it would all be over when she woke up in the morning, but she didn't believe me. Misery dripped from her everything as she seemingly got worse as the day went on. Which, I had lived through that beast; I knew that wasn't how it was supposed to work. As day turned into night, I started to worry that she would actually end up being sick longer than one day.


I fell asleep dreading what would happen in the morning.

What happened in the morning is that I got up at waaaaay too early o'clock because I had to be to work before humans should be alive. I stumbled through the house desperately wishing for walls that deliver coffee as you walk past then stumbled my way towards the bathroom to take a shower. As I stumbled in the dark, I wondered how Alexis was feeling, but I didn't want to wake her. She crashed in a different bed than usual so that she wouldn't have to climb up and down her loft when she was sick, so I was extra quiet as I walked past her.

And then.


A small ninja jumped out of bed and snuck up behind me. That ninja yelled through the darkness of the early morning, "MOM! I FEEL GREAT!"

It super hurts when you jump so high that you hit your head on the ceiling. 

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (http://www.theburghbaby.com/).
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