Apparently there was some sort of football game on Saturday? And it was a big deal? At least it seemed that way based on the fact that all of Pittsburgh congregated at Heinz Field to cheer on their team.
Which ... ::yawn::
Sorry, I care about a lot of things that don't really matter, but college football is not one of them. The Penn State vs Pitt banter is about as meaningful to me as a box of rocks. It's cool that other people care; I just have other stuff that I choose to focus on.
Alexis, on the other hand, cares deeply. It took her going to one Pitt game to pledge her allegiance. While she's never been to a Penn State game to find some balance, I'm not sure that it matters. She's in. All the way.
Driving her further down the rabbit hole to Pitt love is that fact that Alexis' teacher is a Penn State fan. While she's normally more of a "whatever makes teacher happy" kind of kid, every once in a while she chooses to be contrarian. In this case, she's so far into the BOO PENN STATE madness that she knows a bunch of Pitt player names and legit cares about the outcome of every game.
Whatevs. She's happy.
So when I said we had to run errands Saturday, Alexis flipped out. She wanted to sit in front of a TV and cheer for Pitt. That was fine and dandy, but the errands really needed to get done. Our attempt at a compromise came together at a wooden table while we were gathered around french toast and pancakes and such.
It was after 12:00. The game was underway, and we were in a restaurant enjoying some breakfast for lunch. There were TVs all over the place, but not a one was showing the Pitt game. One thing led to another and finally I said I would ask the server to turn on the game. I couldn't deal with another minute of listening to Alexis complain.
Alas, our server returned to check on us. As he confirmed that everyone had enough to drink, I asked him if the TV could be turned to the Pitt game. Unfortunately, it was on ESPN and the restaurant didn't have it and blah, blah, blah.
No Pitt game for Alexis.
Alexis didn't catch what happened next because she was mad I had made her leave the house, but I caught it. And -OH- how I laughed. The server returned with something or other and then turned to the husband and started talking about the game. They talked for a few minutes, despite the fact that the husband cares about Pitt football about as much as Mila does. That's to say, not at all. He doesn't actively cheer for or against them. He just doesn't care. He's a Hoosier, after all.
So Alexis was the one who wanted to see the game.
I was the one who asked to have it turned on.
And yet the server chatted about the game to the person at the table who cared the least.
You gotta love the little sexist things that happen in our daily lives. They're hysterical, really.