As a matter of fact, yes. Yes, I do spy on the girls' conversations.
While their conversations are surprisingly complex, it's not like they tell each other their deepest, darkest secrets. Yet. I'm sure they will some day, but it probably won't be until after Mila figures out that it's okay if she doesn't repeat EVERYTHING she hears.
She's a parrot. It's a fact.
Alexis is aware of the parrot status, so she sticks to giving Mila wise life advice. Alexis tells her baby sister about how it's a good idea to save the long-sleeve shirts for cold weather. She explains that brushing your teeth before bed keeps the dentist away later. And, my personal favorite, she often advises Mila not to argue with me. "Mom is always right, Mila."
That's not exactly a truthy statement, but it's cool if they want to both think it. The teen years will be infinitely easier if they stick with that idea.
Sadly, Alexis may say that I'm always right, but she doesn't always act like it. She's been known to argue with me about all sorts of dumb stuff. Tweens are awesome, y'know?
Recently, Alexis decided to argue with me about whether or not she needed to clean up her shoes. The answer, of course, was FOR THE LOVE OF GUMMY BEARS, JUST CLEAN THEM UP. I don't know what made her think it was worth debating the point, but as she cruised her way towards having all of the not-put-away shoes thrown in the trash, Mila interrupted the argument.
"Less-us," Mila started as she whipped out her judgy face and wagged her finger. "Mom is always right."