There are lessons that all of us are learning together, and this whole identity on the internet is definitely at the top of the list.
Methinks if we wait a few years, Alexis will be able to tell us all how to handle ourselves.
Recently I've mostly stopped posting photos of her at her request. She really does have her hands on the puppet strings around this space, and pretty much always has. When "every kids' story" began to morph into "her unique story" as she got older, I involved her more and more in determining what stories were OK to tell and which weren't.
Like, the sequin story. I've never told it BUT I REALLY, REALLY WANT TO. Ahem.
ANYWAY. I'm sure this space has become less interesting with time, but meh. I respect the kid's right to have her childhood lived without public documentation. If that means losing people along the way, oh well. If she says "Don't put that picture on Burgh-y Baby," I obey. If she says "Don't tell the internet I did that," I obey.
Easy enough.
The super interesting behind-the-scenes part of that is that she has been telling people about this space since she started school. She has told teachers, principals, bus drivers, classmates, all sorts of people. So when she says she wants something posted here, she's saying she wants ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE to see it.
At least, that's the assumption she operates with. I know not all of them actually read, but it's a pretty good policy she has there when she assumes they will see it. Already she could teach half the internet a thing or two ...
But then she screwed up.
She told the WRONG classmate about this space.
And he chose to try to use it against her.
The whole thing has been playing out for a few months now with her carefully crafting what is and is not allowed to pass by his eyes. All the while, the situation has led to tons of conversations about internet privacy and all of the different ways people handle it. She now understands why a search of her name doesn't land here, how it's possible (but convoluted) to get here with my name, data mining, privacy controls, and all sorts of stuff about creative commons and intellectual property.
Which is how we managed to find a solution to her little classmate situation. It seems someone was "using" photos of her (I'd tell you in what way, but she said not to. So.). She understands that I can't stop someone from doing that, but technically all photos used in this space are copyrighted by me. That means they can't be used without my permission.
When you're in second grade, "used without permission" has a broader meaning than the law dictates. But, no matter. Alexis figured out how to make it all stop.
She gave the kid her version of a cease and desist letter basically saying he needed my permission to use the photos. She included in there some of the things I can do if someone uses my photos without permission.
It worked.
I'm totally putting her in charge of all legal matters around here for now on.