Ben Puts the Awesome in Crazy
Sunday, December 16, 2012
burghbaby in Christmas Crazy, Christmas Crazy

If you've been around for a while, you might remember this face.

That's Ben. He's a year older and, perhaps, a year wiser than he was the last time he showed up around these parts, but he's exactly the same amount of amazing.

Ben's birthday was last week. He had a party and I'm sure it was all sorts of fun, just like his party was last year. And just like last year, there were gifts.

Lots and lots of gifts.

Ben didn't keep those gifts, though. Just like last year, Ben asked that instead of delivering something just for him, the kids should deliver something for Christmas Crazy.

So they did.

And then Ben and his family delivered the goods to Center for Victims.

Just like last year.

Thanks, Ben. You're a pretty fantastic young man. Oh, and happy birthday! I hope it was a great one.

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (
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