Day One Hundred Thirty
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Mila always has questions. Always, always, always. Most of her questions are about what words mean, because apparently she is working towards a vocabulary that any adult would envy, but whatever. Looooots of questions.

Today she asked a stumper, though.

Today was the day that Mila pieced together some things. She has a fairly appropriate grasp of what is going on in the world, which is to say that she is fully aware that COVID-19 is a thing. She knows that lots of people have died from COVID-19. She knows that lots and lots of people have gotten sick from it. She has a 6-year old level of understanding of how germs/viruses spread, which is to say she's pretty well-equipped for existing in the world.

So. Her question.

"If we all wear masks and stay apart from each other for a while, this virus would go away and I could see my friends, right?"

You go right ahead and answer that one, world. I've had about enough of trying to argue about things even a 6-year old can understand.


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