Day One Hundred Twenty-Two
Monday, July 20, 2020

Sometimes I realize that I'm going to regret a thing before I actually regret the thing. That is the case with the outstanding Bunny Promise that I have going with Mila.

In case you hadn't noticed, Mila is a wee bit obsessed with animals. See also, she called a probably rabid bat "my precious" and was legit very sad when it left.

WAIT! I have a very small Rainbow Marshmallow update. Rainbow Marshmallow returned on Saturday, flew laps around the yard, and then dove into the pool AGAIN. It was rescued AGAIN, but then placed in a tree. Rainbow took off after sunset and then stayed away for an entire day. But! I saw Rainbow Marshmallow again today. It was around noon and the damn thing was flying around the yard again. It didn't nose-dive for the pool this time, which we're going to accept as a victory. Basically I'm now a person who looks out the window every half hour or so to confirm that there is not a bat in the pool. So that's fun.

Annnd ... back to that Bunny Promise. Mila is obsessed with animals. She has been obsessed with catching a bunny in our yard for basically her entire life. The good news is that she has never managed to make good on her commitment to chasing one down and making it live with her forever. That is the promise I made her, though. Should Mila ever manage to catch a bunny, she can keep it as a pet.

I half-assedly made the promise about two weeks ago. Mila was chasing a bunny through our yard, as usual, and decided to ask. "If I catch a bunny, can I keep it?"

It's such a simple question. It fits right in with the "pick your battles" style of parenting that mostly works for me. I figured there was no way she will ever catch one, so I agreed.

She hasn't caught one yet, but I realized how this is going to go this evening. This evening Mila failed again to catch a bunny, but then said she needed to find a BABY bunny.

You know, those creatures that tend to nest in yards. You know, that thing that she could plausibly catch because they're sleepy and slow and not ready to be terrorized by short-statured hurricanes.

THAT IS HOW THIS STORY IS GOING TO END. Mila is going to happen upon a bunny nest, find about six babies she wants to rescue, and I'm going to be stuck in this really awkward pet-having situation.

I just had to say yes.


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