So, this happened.
There was a full set of teeth in that mouth just a few days ago. Errr ... slightly less than a full set of teeth because that kid's teeth SUCK and two had to be pulled when she was tiny, but still. She had all of her front teeth.
In case you've forgotten, I find this whole thing where babies are miserable getting teeth only to lose them a few years later to be absolutely stupid. And gross. And puketacular. Everything about teeth is gross, but it gets extra gross when they aren't in someone's face.
Which, of course, means it was SUPER FUN when Mila decided she was done having a wiggly tooth and ripped it out of her mouth. Legit, that's what happened. One minute she had a tooth in her mouth and the next she was standing there holding a tooth with blood dripping down her lip. She was PISSED, too, because she hadn't really thought through her plan and discovered a second too late that it hurts to yank a tooth out of your face.
Do you want to guess how many times Mila tried to show me her tiny little tooth? And the gaping hole where the tooth used to be?
Don't bother to guess.
I can't count that high, so I won't be able to figure out if you are right or not.
That's not the worst thing about starting this whole phase where Mila loses all of her teeth, though. No, the worst part is that she started the project at about 7:30 at night during a global pandemic. The tooth fairy is not prepared for these things at 7:30 at night during a global pandemic, nor is she willing to leave the house in order to get prepared.
So ... the tooth fairy only had a $5 bill, even though teeth should be worth $1. That means she paid WAAAAY too much for that discarded human tissue than she should have. And now a precedent is set.
Mila's going to rip out so many teeth so she can cash in. ::sob::