I hate missing a day of Alexis' life. It's inevitable, of course. Sometimes I have events that I need to attend that just aren't appropriate for her and don't end up home until long after she has fallen asleep. Sometimes I have to travel for work and miss an entire day, or even two.
I swear when I miss two days, I can see that she's grown upon my return. She stands a little taller, she uses words that are new for her, and she seems . . . older. Kids mature so quickly that even just 48 hours can seem like an eternity.
For now on, whenever I'm all emo about missing a day or two of Alexis' life, I'm going to remind myself of something. It could be worse.
Life got in the way of bird-watching, and I missed two days. In those two days, the baby birds that were in our front yard went from this:
To this:
I swear they doubled in size in two days. It gives all new meaning to "don't blink."
The baby birds were gone the next morning, meaning that they went from this (July 2nd):
To this (July 10th):
In just eight days.
Now there's a sad little empty nest in the front yard.