Falling under the category “News That Will Surprise No One,” Mila can hold a grudge. Apparently she doesn’t need to explicitly remember that you are the one who has wronged her; she will hold a grudge just to be safe. And she will do it well.
Today was Mila’s follow-up visit following her de-teething. For what it’s worth, she was under general anesthesia for the whole thing. It was all fun and games and she didn’t see the dentist who did the yanking AT ALL prior to her little nap. By design. The whole morning was set up in a way intended to prevent traumatizing her for the most obvious of reasons.
So she started with some “happy juice.” Then an anesthesiologist had her breathe into a funny mask. She only saw a nurse and the anesthesiologist before the mean stuff started. SHE KNEW NOTHING.
And yet.
This morning we went back for her follow-up. We went to a different office with all different people and Mila was perfectly happy going in. She chatted with the receptionist. She “read” a book while she waited her turn. She gleefully climbed up into the dentist chair.
And then That Woman walked in. The very second the dentist who happened to do the yanking walked into the room, Mila scowled. She glared at the very kind woman and said, “I don’t like her” through gritted teeth. And then she patently refused to open her mouth. No amount of bribery or coercion would get her to open her mouth, not even for a second. What was supposed to be a quick in and out instead turned out to be a very long morning. Even after much effort, we had to kick Mila’s actual dentist out of the room and have someone else do the checking. Which, she cooperated for that.
Mila knows who she doesn’t like. She doesn’t know why, but she definitely knows who.
So if a dentist goes missing in the next few days, I’m not saying I know how it happened, but I will be making sure Mila doesn’t steal my car keys.