Gypsum Roses
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Alexis is a total and complete sucker for all things library, so she is one of those kids who rushes over to the "New Arrivals" shelf and ransacks it. A recent acquisition, "The Girl's Book of Adventure: The Little Guidebook for Smart and Resourceful Girls" admittedly makes my feminist cankles get all RAWR and GRRR because half of it is recipes, but whatever. I'll just teach my kid that "adventure" means "stay in the kitchen" and shut up.

If there is one thing I have learned while parenting the Alexis, it's that she's far better at being a feminist than I am. Ask her how she feels about Robin Thicke, for example, and you'll get an earful about how he's not very nice. I get that same earful every time one of his songs is on the radio because TURN IT OFF, MOM. If something bothers her, it probably is sexist. If it doesn't, I should probably stand down.

So, I stood down. And helped Alexis make one of those recipes from the book.

And then I helped Alexis eat all of the results because DANG. THAT'S A TASTY ADVENTURE.

It was simple, too.

It was so simple that Alexis can mostly make them herself. I'm in charge of the melting of the chocolate, but the rest is all her. I guess that means her adventure in the kitchen was a success, even if it did make my eyebrow twitch.

Gypsum Roses (adapted from The Girl's Book of Adventure)

1 bag (12 oz) semi-sweet or dark chocolate chips
3 tablespoons honey
1 1/2 cups cornflakes
1 tablespoon peanut butter
Mini cupcake liners

1. Melt the chocolate in a nonstick saucepan over medium to low heat. Add the honey and stir with a wooden spoon.

2. Put half of the cornflakes in a shallow pan. Pour half of the chocolate over them.

3. Stir gently. Add the rest of the cornflakes and stir. Add the rest of the chocolate and continue stirring until the cornflakes are well coated.

4. When the cornflakes are thoroughly covered, use a teaspoon to drop small portions into the cupcake liners.

5. Place the peanut butter in a small sandwich bag. Microwave for 10-15 seconds, or until the peanut butter is melted. Cut the corner off of the bag and drizzle the peanut butter over top of the chocolate-covered cornflakes.

6. Refrigerate until fully set, about one hour.

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (
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