I'm not sure if everybody has the same level of joy in their life, but I have a way of engaging in conversations that lead to people saying really dumb things to me. I like to consider it a skill that I bring out the dumb, but like I said, it may be more common than I know. Maybe everyone is capable of such magic.
I could give you a million examples, but I think a decent one was when someone said to me, "Are you sure you're only 16 weeks? You're showing an awful lot."
That. That right there is what "saying dumb things" looks like.
Another example includes telling me jokes about things "trailer trash" do. That is ALWAYS a fun one because I tend to respond with, "Hi. I grew up in a trailer park. I guess that makes me trailer trash?" I can't really laugh at a joke that's not funny, so I might as well make everyone as comfortable as I am in that moment. It's kind of crazy how often people make jokes about trailer parks around me, honestly.
But my new favorite ... it's a whole other brand of crazy.
It hasn't been all that long since I was last asked why Alexis is an only child. That was a recurring theme for a very long time, right up until the moment we discovered she is on track for big sisterhood. If you haven't done the math, she will be 8 years old when everything goes down. So. So ... she will be old. Almost halfway to moving out. Enough older for there to be like three or four kids in the middle there.
Eight years is a HUGE gap in time.
Apparently it's a big enough gap for people to now REPEATEDLY tell me, "Whoops? I bet you thought you were done with diapers and such!" or "Oh! Found yourself with a little surprise, did you?" and my personal favorite "You know there are things you can do to prevent that sort of thing!"
Just don't, y'all. Just don't speculate on why there's an 8-year gap between them. It can't lead to anything good for any of us.