I Keep Losing At This Game
Monday, September 17, 2018


Things are escalating much too quickly.

When Mila decided she wanted to take a dance class, I was all ::grumble::grumble:: but it is $40 cheaper ::grumble::grumble::. That's $40 cheaper than gymnastics, of course, so it's a trade. I am subjected to torture (Toddler parents at dance class are THE WORST, YOU GUYS. I should know. I was one. Twice.), but I get to save money. We'll call that a wash.

I knew Mila would care that we dropped gymnastics.


We made it all the way to Tuesday, which, by the way, is the day that she has taken gymnastics for basically her entire life. Apparently her internal clock is built around that fact because SHE KNEW when we "skipped." And she was pissed.

And then Saturday rolled around again and she was really very happy about dance, so. I don't know. If I had unlimited funds, maybe I'd let her do both. Maybe I wouldn't. Either way, it seems like I can maybe stretch my way past the pissiness on Tuesdays as long as there is a Saturday.

Except that Alexis has dance five days per week. Mila has dance one day per week. Guess which kid has decided this whole thing is stupid and not fair!

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Yes. THAT kid. That kid thinks everything about her life is unfair and rotten and WTH, MOM. I don't know how I am to fix this because I am not letting my 4-year take dance class every day of the week because NOOOOOOO. I don't possess enough patience for that. Or money. Or places to take her because there aren't actually that many classes that would work with everyone's schedule. SO THERE, MILA.

Fortunately, tiny kid hockey starts in like two weeks. Fingers crossed that calms the store ...

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (http://www.theburghbaby.com/).
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