I will be the first to admit that I don't know a damn thing about how competitive dancing is scored. I know what I like, I suppose, but I don't know what's hard or easy or whatever. I stopped paying attention to Alexis' dance classes right around the time she stopped paying attention to if I was watching or not, so whatever.
I am not an expert. At all.
That said, I have questions about how things played out on Saturday for Alexis' trio performance. I saw everyone in the category and I totally agree with a bunch of the judges' rankings ... but then there is that one. There is one group who ranked higher than Alexis' group and IT MAKES NO SENSE. I'm working solely off the fact that I could have joined in with the other group and gotten by juuuuust fine. If I can do it, we're talking about a certain skill level. I can't keep up with Alexis. That is a whole other level.
Whatever. It doesn't really matter, except that the one group ranking higher meant that Alexis' group didn't get in the top three (the top three all scored a "high gold" the same as her trio did, so it comes down to difficulty level ... I think). Only the top three stands up and gathers at the front of the stage for medals and WELP.
She medaled for other things. Just not trio.
But trio is the only award ceremony she was around to attend. She missed her chance at her medal on Sunday because of cheer. That means that Mila and I sat in the audience Saturday during the award ceremony and saw Alexis come up empty-handed.
Alexis was fine with it.
I was fine with it. I have questions, sure, but I'm still fine with it.
Mila kept calling the award ceremony "the party" and she was SUPER excited that her sister was a part of the party. Except, they kept forgetting to give Alexis a medal. That was Mila's interpretation of the events. Each time they called someone up, Mila would whisper to me, "But they forget to call Sissy!" She was really very sad.
The whole thing continued for the entire length of the awards and then continued as we walked back to the car with Alexis. Alexis was perfectly happy and totally riding a dance competition buzz, but Mila was so sad. She was so sad she started crying as she told Alexis, "They forgot to give you an award! You did really good!"
If it hadn't been so heart-breaking, it would have been hilarious.
But then it did become hilarious. Sunday we were around for the cheer awards, which ended with Alexis' cheer team getting all of the medals. The had a zero deduction routine and placed second and all was well. AND THEN MILA STOLE ALEXIS' MEDALS.
Apparently that's all she wanted. She has decided that Alexis should win all of the things so she can take them. It's like doing all of the work, except Mila's version of "work" involves a lot more snacks and a lot less actually moving.