Italian Dressing (From Scratch!) and Linguini Salad
Sunday, October 13, 2013
burghbaby in Recipe, recipe

We've already covered the part where I am turning into one of those people who purposely makes salad dressing instead of buying it, so let's go ahead and reveal my Italian Dressing recipe. It tastes about 38319857193284 times better than anything that you'll find in a bottle, plus you have total control over it. Want less salt? Fine! Want it to be red? Use red wine vinegar! Prefer your Italian Dressing to be yellow? OK, they make white wine vinegar that will work just fine for that! Want a dressing you can throw on Linguini Salad?

Yeah, it totally works for that, too.

It works for EVERYTHING, actually. Salads, sandwiches, pasta ... you name it. Everything in this world can be made better with Italian Dressing.

The only "catch" is that it is going to separate just as fast as you can make it. So do most store bought Italian Dressings, so I personally don't have a problem with having to shake up the bottle before I use it. It definitely bothers me more to ponder what they heck some companies do to their Italian Dressings that keeps them from separating. It goes against science, if you think about it.

On the other hand, science says this stuff will hold for a loooooong time. And it does. I keep it in the fridge for months and months on end.

Italian Dressing

1 cup white wine vinegar (or red ... it just depends on what color you want your dressing to be)
1 cup olive oil
1/2 tablespoon garlic powder
1/2 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper

1. Throw all of the ingredients in a container and shake. I use a water bottle I found at the dollar store -- it has a pour spout and is all around perfect for holding dressing.

Since that was so hard, how about we throw in the Linguini Salad Recipe as well?

Linguini Salad
1 pound linguini, cooked according to the instructions on the box
2 cucumbers, diced
2 tomatoes, diced (throw out the gooey seed part)
2 cans sliced black olives
2 cups Italian Dressing

1. Drain the pasta, rinse it with cold water, and throw it in a bowl.

2. Throw the other stuff on top of it. Toss until the linguini is well-coated.

3. Refrigerate until it's time to serve.

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (
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