While I am conveniently refusing to acknowledge that Easter is done and gone, there was this thing that happened over the weekend with plastic eggs and candy and baskets and such. It was a different sort of thing than would have happened if Alexis were still an only child. This would have been the year that I would have be WHATEVER and maybe stuffed 10 eggs with candy, shoved a $5 bill in another one, and basically threw them at her. I'm pretty sure she still mostly believes, but I would be all about making her face reality.
If there wasn't a Mila, of course.
Because there is a Mila, there were something like 100 eggs filled with candy spread all over the yard. They were not really hidden because Alexis. Alexis would not be able to find her nose if it weren't attached to her face and sometimes I'm not sure even being attached is enough for her. And then there's Mila, and it seems unfair to legit hide something from a one year-old.
Although, now that we're a full day away from the hunting, I can tell you with absolutely certainty that Mila is waaaaay better at finding eggs than Alexis will ever be. That is exactly why Mila has been vibrating from a sugar high for the past day. She keeps finding the slightly more hidden eggs that Alexis missed and busting them open before anyone realizes what she's doing.
It's so bad that she has started to reject yellow jelly beans. Where once Mila inhaled any candy that she touched just in case, now she has standards. I guess that's a good thing?
The whole egg hunting thing is decidedly more fun with a toddler. We gave her a head start since Alexis couldn't find her shoes (hahahahaha ... not shocking) and Mila was all "Oh! Oh! Oh! I GOT IT!" each and every time she spotted an egg. She casually worked her way from egg to egg, but then the door opened and Alexis busted out and took off at full speed.
Mila took once glance at a fast-moving Alexis grabbing eggs and switched to top speed. She took off running in the opposite direction and started snatching eggs just as fast as her little legs would allow. Which was pretty fast, if you consider that she's at the exact age when toddlers peak in their similarity to drunken adults. Between the waddling and nonsense talk and all of that, she's amazing.
(Do not mock the video taken the wrong direction thing for I meant to take a photo, but had my phone set to video by accident and, welp, that worked out okay after all. Mostly.)
Mila stayed at full speed drunk cruising the yard for eggs right up until one popped open in her hand. In that moment, time stopped and Mila was all HOOOOOOOOOOLD OOOONNNNNNNN. THERE IS CANDY IN THESE THINGS.
Of note, we're talking about the kid who tried a peanut butter cup for the first time lately and SHIVERED WITH JOY. Literally, she took a bite, shivered, and said "WOW!" before going on with happy little mmmmmhmmmm noises as she finished eating it. She super likes candy, is what I'm saying.
Once Mila realized she had a bucket filled with joy, she sat her butt down and dug in. She would probably still be sitting there if I hadn't picked her up, pried all of the candy out of grubby little hands, and switched her focus to finding her basket. Fortunately, she forgot to be mad at me once she saw said basket. Because Minion. And weeeeeee.
Tiny drunk people make everything better. It's a fact.