Monday, June 18, 2018

I have a few questions, internet:

1. Does swimming in a pool count as a bath?

2. How many hours of swimming in a pool are too many hours of swimming in a pool?


If you're guessing that questions 1 through 3 are very closely related, you are a winner! Mila has decided she is going to spend every minute of every day swimming. The weather turned warm and suddenly she is part mermaid. I am not exaggerating in the least when I say she spent over 7 hours swimming on Sunday.


She emerged from the water only to go potty and to eat. Other than that, she swam swam swam swam. Which, that's another issue. While a few weeks ago she was dependent on a more capable human to assist her, she has now figured out how to swim by herself, albeit with a swim vest on. Which, cool! EXCEPT NOT.

Mila knows she doesn't need anyone to help her, so while she could be relied upon to stay away from the pool when nobody was around two weeks ago, NOT ANYMORE. I caught her trying to put her vest on by herself and jump in the pool no less than a dozen times and gaaaaaaaaah. It's like watching a one-year old dart into traffic, except wetter. Just as dangerous, though.

She lacks the fear once she's in the pool, too. She will gleefully jump from the top step. She is absolutely confident she will bob back up to the top of the water. Which, okay, she will, but STILL. There is something absolutely terrifying about watching your baby jump into a pool and then just sort of float her way to the surface.

And she knows I think it's terrifying.

So she does it as often as possible. It is her purpose in life.

The good news is that I think maybe we can count seven hours in the pool as a bath and if I'm wrong about that, shhhhhhhhhh. I'm going to live in denial.

June18 024

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (
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