Meyer Lemon Cheesecake Bars
Sunday, March 30, 2014

There are a few things that I MUST buy if I spot them in the grocery store. Key Limes are at the top of that list, followed very closely by Meyer Lemons. By "followed closely" I mean PLEASE DON'T ASK ME TO CHOOSE JUST ONE. If they're both there, I'm buying them both. It's just a fact.

I love Meyer Lemons for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that they taste amazing. They're a cross between mandarin oranges and lemons, so they're a little bit lemony, but without the tart. Another fun thing about them is that you can use every little bit of them when baking. The zest, the juice, it's all good.

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Especially in cheesecake form.

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I'm not ambitious enough to dig out the springform pan lately, so I've been playing with cheesecake bars instead. Combining Meyer Lemons with a cheesecake bar was a work of pure genius, I must admit. What wasn't genius is that I didn't write down what I did the first time I made them, so WHOOPS, I had to make them again. And then more time just to be sure.

It's science. Go with me on this.

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Meyer Lemon Cheesecake Bars

1 stick butter
2 cups graham cracker crumbs
2 8-oz packages cream cheese (room temperature)
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup Meyer Lemon juice
2 teaspoons grated Meyer Lemon zest
Meyer Lemon zest for garnish

1. Place the stick of butter in a 13x9" glass dish and stick it in the oven. Turn the oven on to 350 degrees. You're melting the butter while warming up the oven.

2. Once the butter is melted, swish it in the pan until the sides and bottom of the pan are coated. Then sprinkle the graham cracker crumbs into the pan evenly.

3. Let the crust bake for 5-7 minutes at 350 degrees. When it's just barely lightly browned, move it to the freezer until you're ready to put the cheesecake filling on it.

4. To make the cheesecake filling, start by combining the cream cheese and sugar using an electric mixer and medium speed. Mix them until creamy, about 3-5 minutes.

5. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing constantly.

6. Add the cornstarch and vanilla extract, mixing constantly.

7. Add the lemon juice. Mix.

8. Finally, add in the lemon zest and mix some more.

9. Carefully spread the cheesecake mixture over the cooked crust. Use a spatula to evenly spread it out, if necessary.

10. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes or until the top just barely begins to brown. Remove from heat, garnish with lemon zest, and place the whole pan on a cooling rack for at least an hour. Refrigerate for at least an hour before serving.

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