No Clue How I Got This Lucky
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

There's A Thing that happens every year around this time. It's That Thing I don't talk about because the last time I did, the curse was continued in a very big way. And then a bigger way. And then an even bigger way.

So I'm not saying anything about That Thing, but I am saying the curse is alive and well.

$1000 for a new clutch for the husband's car. If that doesn't prove I'm not crazy, I don't know what does. Happy Wednesday to me!


Alexis never has and likely never will fully appreciate my hesitancy to acknowledge That Thing. She wants to throw confetti and lead a parade and generally tries very hard to make a very big deal out of every second of the day.

I humor her. It's the right thing to do.

But sometimes I don't have to humor her because sometimes she blows me away with just how fantastic of a kid she is. And she is.

I don't care if you've already seen this photo (I put it on Twitter and Facebook already), it's worth another look. Also, I need it here so that in eight years or so, I can show it to her when she tells me that I'm a stupid doodoo head.

Never change, kid. Never change.

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (
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