No Wonder She's Spoiled
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"We need to stop and get onions and milk," I told Alexis as we pulled out of the preschool parking lot. There is a grocery store practically next door, so the potential was there to be in and out and on our way with only a five minute delay in our day.

As we walked through the door, I realized we should probably get bananas, too. Alexis ran ahead to pick them out. She's constantly wanting to help and grocery shopping is one of her areas of expertise. Of course, Little Miss Octopus Hands is an expert at grocery shopping in the sense that she can manage to grab more stuff than a super-generous claw machine at an arcade. She returned to the cart with bananas AND peaches. Given they were good choices, who was I to argue?

We continued through the store, checking to see if any of our absolute basics were on sale. We scoped out cereal and the Mexican aisle and a few other things. All the while Alexis kept asking for stuff. By the time we had worked our way to the yogurt, we had half a cart full of stuff and I had already threatened to put back the lima beans if she asked for One. More. Thing.

What? You don't threaten to withhold lima beans from your kid as an effective method of blackmail? Sucks to be you.

We made it down a few aisles without me want to stab my ears with a spork, and then Alexis decided to change the course of the day. She spotted the pierogies from ten yards away. Her eyes grew wide as her mouth moved to form the words. She managed to spit out, "Can we g..." and then caught herself. She slowly and purposely closed her mouth, thought for a second, and then said, "I bet Daddy would really like some pierogies."

Evil genius kid.


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