. . . The boxes started showing up! I don't know why it suprises me every year when the first of the magic starts to roll in, but it does. Each and every box is a pleasant surprise.
So, thanks for that.
As is usually the case, I'll be sharing photos of the magic as it starts to roll in on Instagram. I'm not saying you have to follow me there, but it is fun to see how the chaos comes together. And, as an added bonus, Instagram comes with a delightful assortment of Mila videos.
Mostly videos of her singing.
Because she does that. A LOT.
I don't know exactly when it started, but suddenly there was a morning when Mila sang her way through getting dressed and out the door. Then she went and did it again the next day and at this point? She is basically singing all of the time always.
It rules.
There is exactly one problem with all of the singing - Alexis keeps teaching Mila new songs. Alexis is currently waaaaay down the Christmas music rabbit hole, so now Mila is singing Christmas tunes.
Christmas Crazy is kicking off right on time. Christmas Music Crazy needs to go away.
Except for that one tune ...
On the third day of Christmas Crazy,
my true love gave to me
Crafts, paper, and pens
STEM toys they'll love
and all the things for baby.
You can help by doing a little shopping on Amazon or throw a few dollars into the game. Either way, I'll deliver a whole lot of Christmas Magic to Center for Victims.
2015's Christmas Crazy Masterpiece