Randomly Random Stuff
Thursday, January 17, 2013

I seemingly have dozens of loose ends around these parts, so let's just tie up a few of them, mmkay?

* Thanks so very much for all of the book recommendations! Alexis' birthday is just over a week away, so many of the titles will be finding their way into her hot little hands very soon. I'll let you know which ones turn out being favorites. Also, per a request in the comments, I'll put together a list of all of the books that were recommended along with any findings about age-appropriateness.

Y'all are the best.

* Yes, I grew up in North Dakota but say y'all. I used to say it in conjunction with "eh," so at least I've become less confusing in my old age.

* A baby cries every time you leave your expensive camera in auto mode to take a picture. It's true. Help keep the babies happy by learning how to shoot in manual at this workshop. There was a cancellation, so I happen to have an open space.

* My friend Chachi is, once again, engaged in some shenanigans involving video games. The shenanigans will support art programs for at-risk and homeless kids. If you've got a second, check out what he's up to and see if there's anything you can do to help.

* So far January 2013 has been WAAAAY better than January 2012. I'd be lying if I didn't admit I have been counting the days until we get past a few anniversaries. Two down, two to go.

* The new dishwasher is this one. It was way cheaper when I bought it, though.

* Your comments on the Bloody Mary post were like a trip down memory lane. Light as a feather ... the flood of memories about where I was the first time I tempted the Bloody Mary fates ... all of it was a lot of fun.

I still won't say her name a third time. Just sayin'.

* While I am firmly on Team Snow in January, it definitely didn't suck to be able to sit outside and enjoy lunch with my favorite short person this past weekend.

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (http://www.theburghbaby.com/).
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