Rubber Heads on a Stick
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Despite the fact that I really don't like driving, I'm always the one who ends up behind the wheel when my friends and I are headed somewhere.

Though, that may be about to change.

There's this thing that I do where I buy things and throw them in the back seat of my car. I tend to forget they are there for months on end, and then they end up buried under the seventy pounds of crap that Alexis accumulates each day. Eventually I get fed up with the toy store on wheels concept and clean it all out. I usually discover that thing I bought months ago and it's like Christmas. Look! I bought something fun!

I did that thing a few weeks ago. A rather lovely rubber severed head on a stake was an absolute must because OBVIOUSLY. It was at the dollar store for practically nothing and it was FANTASTIC. It was destined for the yard so that it could further spookify the place.

But I, uh, forgot it was there. WHOOPS.

"OH MY QUACK WHAT THE QUACK IS THAT QUACK THING?" is pretty much what the friend screamed when she piled into my car one day. Except, she didn't say "quack." She had some much funner words that went there.

There were further words about how I'm not right in the head and blah, blah, blah. It turns out that not everyone appreciates a rather lovely bloody head on a stake.

You would think that after that incident I would have remembered to take it out of my car. But I didn't.

It was there when I picked up Alexis from school so that I could take her to dance class.

I totally and completely forgot about it so I didn't hide it or bury it or anything.

Alexis crawled into the car, buckled her seat beat, and then calmly said, "Mom, what is that?" I responded by explaining it was a Halloween decoration.

"Cool," she replied. "Can I put it in my bedroom?"

Yup. She's my kid.

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (
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