She Can Do It
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Considering it has been over a week since she last slept without having direct contact with me, Mila sure is an independent little sprite. "I DO IT!" was one of her first sentences. By the light of day, she uses that sentence as her mantra.

She doesn't need you. She can do it. (I have no idea where she gets these crazy ideas from. Ahem.)

She can feed herself, thank you very much.

Screw you if you think she needs help going down the stairs.

Just GTFO if you think you're going to help her reach anything. She has legs and knows how to climb, dummy.

And now she is trying to do my job.

It started over a year ago. The curious little blue-eyed monster figured out how to buckle  the top part of her seatbelt. The act of buckling herself brought her SO much pride. Every time she did it she cheered and beamed with awesomeness. She channeled that awesomeness into a little obsession with all snap-type buckles. Shopping carts became a million times more fun because ::buckle:: ::unbuckle:: ::buckle:: Her stroller became a great place to linger because she could happily play with the buckles for several minutes at a time.

Everything was great, mostly because she enjoyed buckling, but she didn't demand to buckle. It was a hobby, not a job.

Guess what changed this week.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the wrath of the angry toddler fell upon me. I buckled that seatbelt and Mila roared with anger. ALL Of THE ANGER. Then she did it again later in the day because OMG STOP TOUCHING THE SEATBELT, ADULT-TYPE PEOPLE. Who does that? Who buckles their toddler's seatbelt? A MONSTER, THAT'S WHO.

And so it has been. All week long, Mila has lost her mind if anyone dared to touch that stupid buckle. That means I have spent a lot of time waiting. I have stood there and waited while she buckled it so I could make sure it was right and did I mention that this toddler buckling thing isn't a fast thing?


I don't think Mila could move slower if she tried.

So while everyone lost an hour to Daylight Saving Time, I have lost at least an hour per day to Toddler Buckling Time.

This too shall pass, right? RIGHT? Just say yes, please.


Article originally appeared on burgh baby (
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