They were five of the longest minutes of my life. It was three years ago that I stood in our yard carefully placing styrofoam tombstones while Alexis watched. "What are these?" she asked.
For those five minutes, I regretted reveling in the spooky side of Halloween. Cutesy Winnie the Pooh decorations certainly would have been easier to explain to a three-year old, but then again, where is the fun in easy? I found my way out of the conversation and quickly went running back to my love of spooky stuff.
Fortunately, Alexis joined me not long after. By the time kindergarten rolled around, she was ALL IN.
I'm sorry my kid is so cool. It's genetics at work.
As kindergarten Alexis prepared for her night as an evil vampire, she made a request. She wanted to make a complete witch's kitchen in our dining room. She had tons of ideas about how we could go about creating it, but the key point was that we needed bottles for witch ingredients. A year ago I asked the husband to save some empty bottles and a year ago I planned to decorate those bottles for the witch's kitchen.
Um, we painted the bottles with glittery paint this past weekend. They still aren't fully decorated (I have to make labels--the stickers I found at Target just aren't cutting it), but at least we started them! A year later!
And we took care of one other Alexis idea while we were at it.
There are no words for how proud I am of Alexis for thinking of ripping a doll to pieces and shoving it in a jar.
It's floating in clear hand soap, by the way. Oh, and a few drops of red food coloring. Alexis said there needed to be blood, so I obliged.
Halloween is going to be SO fun with Alexis around, especially now that she's old enough to enjoy the spooky stuff.