If you're wondering how good I am at making sure I am not involved in bad choices, I wasn't even home the day that Mila managed to con her way into getting a hamster. I was busy looking at pretty birds at the Aviary with friends, so I didn't set foot in a pet store or help pick a name or anything.
OBVIOUSLY. I only name things after Disney characters. "Jojo" would never have gotten past me.
Regardless, Mila continues to be very excited about this whole thing. She is so excited that she has regressed alllll the way back to SUCKTASTIC when it comes to sleep. Not only has she not slept in her own bed the whole night since that one fateful sleep, she is waking up extra extra extra times and asking to play with the damn hamster. As in, last night at 2:00 she was very convinced that Jojo needed her because he was probably scared of the dark.
If that's true, I might need to give Jojo something to be scared about. Not that I would threaten a hamster or anything ... BUT I MIGHT IF I'M AWAKE AT 2:00 AM AGAIN.
I suspect Jojo feels the same way about the constant lovefest that I do. Mila is going to pet and chase and love and touch and poke and stroke that hamster until it can't stand the sight of humans. She is wearing out her welcome AND HOW. The worst part is that she's super exuberant to the point that she cannot be left unattended around the hamster. She is going to hurt him. Like, I for real am concerned that I will need to buy Jojo a prosthetic leg or two for Christmas. We're on that path right now.
She. Just. Won't. Let. Him. Be.
On one hand, ENOUGH. On the other hand, at least she stayed interested in something for more than 24 hours? Somehow that feels like a victory.