I don't know where to thank the girls or knock their heads together, but they decided to have tooth drama at the same time. Is it better to get it over with? Or is it just another way for the universe to laugh harder in my face?
In case you have forgotten, I super duper hate teeth. I most especially hate that part where the tiny people suffer through teeth coming in only to lose them a few years later. It's a giant pile of stupid, you know. SO LET'S HAVE BOTH THINGS HAPPEN AT THE SAME TIME.
Mila has been fighting the molar wars for a while now. I remind her to get her hands out of her mouth approximately every 2.3 seconds. The good news is that she's mostly pleasant through it all. She's just ... off.
Still. Getting teeth is stupid.
But losing them is stupider.
Somehow it didn't dawn on me that we weren't done with loose teeth with Alexis. I don't know why, it just didn't occur to me that there were more than we dealt with a few years ago. Alas, all of the bigger teeth are a thing.
A sudden, gross thing.
The good news is that Alexis understands how very much I don't want to hear about wiggly teeth hanging by a string and all of that. I don't want to see the loose teeth, I don't care for the bloody void when they fall out, and I basically don't want to know anything. All of that is why Alexis jumped into my car the other day and declared, "I lost a tooth today! I won't tell you about how it was all bloody and hanging by a thread after I bit into a cracker because I know you don't like teeth."
It was sweet of her to spare me the details. OR NOT.
She then proceeded to "not" tell me many, many more details.
And then it happened. I yelled, "NO MORE ABOUT THE TOOTH I CAN'T TAKE IT LA LA LAAAAAA!"
Seriously. Literally. I yelled that. I am a mature adult and stuff.
Alexis, caught off guard by my sudden yelling, jumped and then started falling over laughing. It's hilarious when I squirm, don't you know.
In the midst of her giggle fest, she dropped the tooth. SHE DROPPED. THE. TOOTH. IN MY CAR.
She never found it. I didn't help her look for the most obvious reasons, but the point is she couldn't find it. It's still in my car. That makes TWO teeth loose in my car, which means I really super need to just go ahead and set the thing on fire. Shhhhh! Don't tell the insurance company!