I have given my husband endless grief about his inability to get rid of junk, but it turns out I might have a wee little problem with it myself. In the interest of full disclosure, I *can* explain why these things were packed away in a box in our storage room. My excuse is legit, even. But that doesn't make it OK. IT'S NEVER OK TO BE A HOARDER, PEOPLE.
Sorry, just making sure that I don't cross over to the crazy side.
You guys, I don't know what possessed me to buy that t-shirt ::mumble:mumble:: years ago, but the hell? I didn't just buy it, I WORE IT. And then packed it in a box and kept that box around for ::mumble:mumble:: years.
But not as inexcusable as these lovely spandex shorts.
I would like to point out that I was not the only person who wore those horrendous crimes against fashion. Remember? Milli Vanilli used to wear them along with brightly covered blazers that had shoulder pads so big they looked like wings.
And now I've just publicly defended my past fashion atrocities by saying it was OK because Milli Vanilli did it, too. I'll shut up now.
Wait, first I need to admit to this little gem.
Somehow I didn't deposit a check I got when I worked at Disney World. Which, I have never been poorer than I was while I was in Orlando so what I was doing packing away $68.45, I don't know. That was enough to pay one week's rent, dammit!
I still find it disappointing that Mickey Mouse doesn't sign paychecks, by the way. It seems that he should.
Fortunately, that's pretty much all I had hoarded away. Just you wait until I start digging through the husband's stuff, though.