Alexis haaaaaaaaates wearing a uniform to school. As in, she hates it more than I hate it when people like their own Facebook status, how much I hate empty peanut butter jars, and how much I hate Dora the Latina Whore COMBINED.
It's a lot of hate for one little person to possess.
I spent a good portion of the first half of the school year convincing her that wearing a uniform to school wasn't a punishment. It is just the rules. Right around the time she finally started to believe me, I found out that her school hands out "No Uniform Today" cards as rewards for various things.
So, it's not a punishment to wear a uniform, but it can be a reward not to have to wear one for a day. Go ahead and try to explain the logic in that to a kindergartener. It's super fun.
She who would happily set fire to every school uniform on the planet grew some Go-Go-Gadget-Brains when it came to earning those No Uniform Cards. She managed to amass a fairly decent pile of them and then she saved them.
And saved them.
And saved them.
Until last week when she figured out she was running out of days when she could use them. She got all sorts of kerfluffled trying to make sure she had each day planned out and enough cards to cover a bunch of sequential no uniform days. The only problem was that when I was helping her with the math on the whole thing, I forgot about gym days. On gym days the kid wears sweat pants and a t-shirt to school, so she didn't need a No Uniform Card to wear slightly less annoying clothes that day.
That's all to say it is 100% my fault that the kid had a No Uniform Card that didn't get used. You see, in my grand scheming, I set out to have her wearing a uniform on her last full day of school. PHOTO OP, PEOPLE. I need my photo ops. She could have worn shorts and a t-shirt to school today, but noooooooo. I hid a No Uniform Card from her and made her wear the exact same uniform she wore on the first day of school.
Because of course I did. We HAD to recreate that "Going to Kindergarten" photo!
And then I jacked up the photo op when her bus arrived earlier than I expected (But, hey! It showeed up! That's an improvement over the first day!) and I didn't check the settings on my camera before shooting.
Seriously. I completely jacked up the photos.
Thank goodness for PhotoShop. I kinda sorta almost saved it. You know, except for the part where I had the white balance all wrong, the kid on the wrong step holding the sign wrong, and I didn't put the backpack in the same place it was for the first day of school.
Whatever. Close enough.
The kid is a giant. She still has leprechaun feet, though.