There's stacks and stacks of books and miles of articles about the topic, but let me just go ahead and say it out loud -- Work/life balance is about as real as a sparkly rainbow unicorn walking across the street. It's a mythical creature that can't actually be found. I'm fully aware that things come and go, some days you do things right, but other days you screw them up. "Balance" isn't about paying the right amount of attention to the right things; it's about not letting the wrong things take over completely.
I've been toeing that line lately. Like, WOAH.
And man is Mila paying the price.
Lately, work has been extra. There's no word after "extra" because ain't nobody got time to read the long list of things about it that have been "extra." EVERYTHING has been extra. It's a lot dipped in everything drizzled with so much. I have a finite amount of patience in my well and by the time I leave work at the end of the day, it's all gone. The well is dry. There is no patience left for anyone else.
The good news is that Mila doesn't seem to notice when I just can't. She is happy to carry a one-sided conversation; sometimes she prefers it. She is perfectly willing to be exuberant in the presence of people who are ignoring her. She just flits about as happy as can be and really doesn't care if you join in on her fun or not. She often literally dances circles around me while I sit still and is totally okay with it.
Thank goodness. She's definitely the right kid who came along at the right time. She might even escape this time of extra without any major damage. Maybe.
I don't mention this so people can give advice or feel pity or anything. I mention it because I am absolutely positive there are like three people reading this right now who are all, "ME TOO" and I just want to say "I see you." You're doing fine. We all have those days, weeks, months, and years.
There's no such thing as balance. But that's okay because kids are magical little creatures even when we're mostly ignoring them.