The Perfect Way to Start the Day
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

As the sun rises, a series of decisions line up and stand at attention, just waiting for an order from me.

Hit the snooze button once? Twice? Three times? (The answer is almost always three times.)

Argue with Alexis over her clothing choices, or just let her wear a short-sleeve shirt and too-small jeans?

What should I wear? The blue sweater? The gray sweater? They're nearly identical, but it matters, dammit.

Use the Tinkerbell toothbrush, or use the High School Musical toothbrush? Rumor has it, this is a VERY IMPORTANT DECISION.

Trust Alexis to eat at bowl of cereal at the table in less than seventeen years (Ha! As if that is possible!), or make her eat waffles in the car?

Start the car early so that it's warm, or conserve a little gasoline and suffer through the pain that is bitter cold leather seats?

Try to heard the cats into the basement, or just leave them upstairs, knowing that they'll be all sorts of grumpy about it later, once they've forgotten that it's their own fault they were locked away from the food?

Try to convince Alexis that it's MY TURN to pick the music, or be a slave to the odd preferences of the short person in the back seat?

Let that same short person listen to BOTH the car radio AND Phantom of the Opera via my phone? Or make her pick just one?

Take the main highway all the way to work, knowing it will be both snow and ice-free? Or take the potentially faster back way, knowing full well that the back way involves a rarely cleared and often snow-covered windy, hilly mess of a partially gravel road?

Did I mention that there are horses along that back road?

Yeah, it's really not much of a decision.

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (
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